Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy
Do you feel like you’re always on edge?
Are you consumed with guilt, shame, or negative beliefs about yourself?
Do you avoid certain people, places, or situations out of fear?
Do you feel preoccupied with events from your past?
Are you feeling anxious, depressed, or disconnected from your body?
Do you experience uncomfortable physical symptoms, like racing heartbeat, shakiness, or fatigue?
Do you want to feel safer, calmer, and more at ease?
Are you ready to heal from symptoms and distress resulting from trauma and difficult life experiences?
We are here for you. Reach out today.
We Can Help.
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. Difficult life experiences, such as accidents, illness, divorce, the loss of a loved one, abuse, and assault can leave us feeling stuck, afraid, and like we’re living in survival mode. This can impact our relationships, day-to-day functioning, sense of self, and overall wellbeing.
Right now, your body is protecting you in the best way it knows how, and that protection is causing you distress. Through Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), the therapists at Colorado Therapy Collective can help you experience relief.
What is EMDR?
EMDR is an evidence-based trauma therapy for treating symptoms and distress that result from difficult life experiences.
Trauma can be defined as our emotional response to an experience that feels too overwhelming or scary for our bodies to process. There are many difficult experiences that may create a trauma response in our nervous systems, sending us into fight, flight, or freeze. Even after the difficult experience is over, our bodies can get stuck in this state, keeping us on high alert for danger. Over time, this takes a toll on us mentally, emotionally, and physically.
EMDR uses bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements or self-tapping, to help the body reprocess those experiences, resolving the original fight, flight, freeze response. Essentially, EMDR can help us get un-stuck so that we can continue to heal toward a greater sense of safety, ease, and wellbeing.
Why Colorado Therapy Collective?
Many therapists are trained in EMDR. At Colorado Therapy Collective, we integrate EMDR as a trauma treatment where appropriate, and also integrate other modalities such as Emotionally Focused Therapy when indicated. With all our clients, we take a strengths-based and non-pathologizing approach to helping you live your best life.
Frequently Asked Questions
This is so common. It’s helpful to note that trauma has less to do with the event itself and more to do with the way our body responds to the event. Any life experience that feels too overwhelming or scary for us to navigate may result in painful symptoms. If you answered yes to any of the questions at the top of this page, you’re likely in the right place.
In addition to trauma and PTSD, EMDR is used to address a variety of life difficulties and mental health challenges, including eating disorders, chronic pain, anxiety, phobias, and panic, among others.
If you are curious about how bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements or shoulder tapping, supports healing – you’re in good company! The research demonstrates its effectiveness, and there are currently a few hypotheses as to why it works so well: 1) it helps us orient to safety in the present, 2) it moves the brain into memory processing similar to Rapid Eye Movement, or REM, sleep, and 3) focusing on bilateral stimulation taxes our memory and results in memories that feel less intense.
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Take the first step today.
We know that getting started with therapy can feel daunting, and that even once you’ve decided to take that step, it can be hard to find a therapist that’s a good fit. That’s why we’re happy to offer a complimentary 20-minute consultation to answer any questions you might have, provide more information about our services and help match you with a therapist in our practice that’s a great fit for you. For more information please call us at 720-204-8589 or reach out below.